Spreak All Around The World: Amsterdam
We were talking about we’re going to grow up ten years from this one week. Not to boast or anything, but we’ve done a pretty stellar job so far. We haven’t missed a train, had any trouble finding where we’re staying, or killed each other yet.
Amsterdam was so different than Brugges. It was big and loud and dirty and smelled like straight weed. It was also beautiful and historic and a damn good time. We stayed in an Airbnb so showers finally happened for all. It was glorious.
We spent the day in Amsterdam at the Van Gogh Museum, eating waffles, the Anne Frank House, eating french fries, navigating the public transportation, oh and eating waffles. See a common factor? WE LOVE WAFFLES. I don’t even care if gluten gives my fragile brain massive headaches, I will forever be eating waffles. You’re so welcome Leslie Knope.
You have to imagine (it will be very hard but try and stain your mind and taste buds on this one) this waffle. It was warm, it smelled like Jesus, and it tasted like a mixture of a donut, funnel cake, pancake, and sugar. There will be an endless buffet of these in heaven I am 100% certain. I could have eaten seventeen…thousand…million.
We ended the night with a train station grocery store hodgepodge of a dinner around our small table at the Airbnb. Then we all snuggled into one bed and watched The Fault in Our Stars because you can’t be in Amsterdam and not watch that movie.