Spreak All Around The World: Bruges
Emily, Lauren, Regan, Allie, Maggie, Graham, Brooks, and I have been planning this trip since before we left to come to London. We bought our Eurail pass months ago and once we arrived in London the real planning began. To be honest, it was mostly stressful. There are eight of us so that made finding places to stay more difficult. We spent hours doing research into the cities we wanted to travel to. We booked hostels, reserved Airbnbs, checked Pinterest a million times, bought flights, laughed a little, cried a little, took anxiety meds (well I took anxiety meds) and now we're here.
We made it to our first stop, Bruges, last night. We arrived after the city went to bed and were able to wander around in the small town all by ourselves. The excitement was real when we realized that our hostel mattresses were more comfortable than the ones in the Daniel House and all spent the night having one big, grand, hilarious sleepover.
Bruges was stunning. We woke up early because we wanted to see as much as possible. The sun was rising as we were walking into the main square and I was sold. Everywhere you walk you feel the cobblestones under your feet. The horses would go past us and the sound of their feet on the road was out of a fairytale.
We climbed to the top of the Belfry (if you haven't heard about its original purpose make sure to ask EmDuv) and then made Leslie Knope proud and got a waffle. Now this just wasn't any waffle, it was an extra large, melt in your mouth, make you want to cry out of joy, type of waffle. I don't know if I've ever been so happy. Just see the pictures below.
We spent our last few hours looking in the lace shops, markets, and chocolate shops. Bruges was amazing and fulfilled all of my Pinterest filled expectations.