Spreak All Around The World: Munich
We woke up early on St. Patty’s day to get our train from Frankfurt to Munich. One of us took the whole wearing green thing very seriously (see the “getting lucky in Kentucky” shirt).
We raced to the center of town to see the glockenspiel. Mags read on Trip Advisor that there were people that danced and played the glockenspiel so we had to see it. First let down of the day was that the “dancing people” were actually creepy statues that spun around. Still cool, just not what we expected.
Then it was time to drop our backpacks off at our Airbnb. A little word of advice to future travels: always stay in the city. It’s worth the extra money to not have to get on public transportation to find where you’re staying. Anyways… public transportation in Munich wasn’t easy to figure out, making us extremely grateful for the tube in London. We walked around for quite a while and finally figured out that the warehouse we were looking at was actually in fact the place where we staying. There were just so many red flags that screamed, “GET OUT NOW THIS ISNT SAFE,” but we did it anyway (turns out it was okay and we are still alive).
Now it was about 3PM and we didn’t have any food in our bodies. Hangry was an understatement. I’ve been given the okay to say that Mags was just not in a good mood and needed food ASAP.
We had some high expectations for lunch that turned out to be two sausages and one pretzel to split between all of us. Let down again.
Once again, we were saved by old faithful (McDonalds). Those golden arches are the promise land. They haven’t failed us yet. A diet coke was all we needed to get us back in the right state of mind.
We then met up with some friends who were in Munich as well. We ate some interesting food at Hofbrauhaus and accidentally ordered beers bigger than our faces.
Germany was okay… we were excited to leave.