Just Cause Love
Have you ever been around two people that love each other so well it makes your heart giddy? Their love invites you into seeing a small glimpse of heaven? Lauren and Kevin share this type of love. Lauren is a quirky, well dressed barista who feels most alive when she is hiking. Kevin is an under the radar absolutely hilarious musician who has an eye for the placement of a good picture and loves having a good time. Kevin was the musician at camp last session and so of course Lauren came along as well. Lauren is Jen's sister so I had met her and Kevin previously but I was beyond excited to have them at camp for three weeks. I spent time observing the love between Lauren and Kevin (in a non-creepy way of course). They love each other so well. They have been married for a year and a half but still have MAJOR crushes on each other. They are like two teenagers always wanting to sit next to each other and asking around to know to where the other one is. After observing their love, I thought a lot about why it took me so off guard. What I have realized is that I have subconsciously accepted this idea that after you've been married for a time your crush on your significant other diminishes and sometimes completely disappears. After seeing Lauren and Kevin interact for three weeks my idea of love and marriage has changed. As they say, "Marriage is way underrated." They are each others best friends and support system.
Thanks Laur and Kev for sharing your love. You guys rule and I love you so.