21 On The 21st
Okay to be completely honest I wasnt entirely thrilled to be celebrating my 21st birthday at camp. We all signed a contract at the beginning of the summer saying that we wouldn't drink so I knew it would be a different kind of 21st birthday. I didn't have any ideas of what the day would look like. I woke up bright and early the day before my birthday ready to go pick up my mom and sister Maria from the airport in Sacramento. I was greeted by one of the wonderful staff spouses and her daughter with some breakfast cookies. Haily and Jen then handed me a note. It said to pack a bag and not ask any questions. I packed a bag and we headed down the windy road toward civilization. We ate some Chik-Fil-A (praise the Lord) and then picked up my family from the airport.
They then told me that we were heading to a hotel. A night away from camp in a big bed sounded like a dream. We walked to Old Town Sacramento and then came back to the hotel and got ready for a fancy dinner. We were taken to our table and I was surprised to see all the female interns sitting at the table.
We came back to camp on the 21st (my actual birthday) and my office was decorated and I got back to work.
I felt so special. I felt loved and cared for. Thank you so much Haily and Jen for planning such a special day for me. It was one of the best birthdays ever. I couldn't have asked for a better day.