Confessions Of A Video Intern
Last week was one of the hardest things I've ever done. On my first day I worked 17 straight hours. By day two I was sick but I convinced myself that if I worked through it I would get better soon enough. That wasn't the case. I kept getting worse and by day four I was taken to urgent care with my roommate who ended up getting sick as well. We were told that we had bronchitis and then had to be quarantined. All the while, I just wanted to be making videos. I hate being told that I had to take a break. I got antsy. I needed to be doing my job! I was able to go back to work the next day thankfully and have felt better since.
I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to making videos. I want my art to be viewed at something that is well made. I have been making films for quite a while now and last week the most frustrating part was that I didn't know what I was doing yet I knew exactly what to do. I didn't know what each event was going to look like so I ended up running around like a chicken with its head cut off. It was exhausting and I cried multiple times.
Our day off couldn't come soon enough. We went to Chico and had the best day. As much as we all love camp, it was so good to get a away for a few hours.
Here I am, a week later and I feel like I'm starting to get my footing on this whole Young Life video thing. I've learned about myself, what I'm doing, the immeasurable strength and love of the Lord and all my wonderful new friends. I have many more weeks of this and I'm excited to see how I grow and change over the coming days.
If you want to see the videos I've been making you can see them here.
These are some pictures from the last couple weeks.