This Week Is Happy
This past week was Spring Fling at Samford. I have determined that it is my favorite week of the school year. There are crowds of people in Ben Brown and free food and sunshine and happiness. On Tuesday Katie and I sold our pillows that we made during Spreak. I also became a mother (to succulents). They are so beautiful and I love them so. So Worth Loving stopped in Birmingham on part of their tour on Tuesday. It is one of my favorite companies. Check them out and buy a shirt or sticker. I promise you won't regret it. Friday Seryn and The Lone Bellow played in the Wright Center. There isn't much that makes me happier than live music, especially when the people that are playing truly love what they are doing and you're surrounded by the best friends a girl could ask for. Today was Samford Gives Back and some of my Chi O sissys (lol) and I went to YWCA. We helped at a sale and listened to crazy stories and were reminded how #blessed we truly are. But listen, I have to tell you about this afternoon. It was full of happy. The sun was shining and I had my bathing suit on and Chacos on my feet. Lydia and I (yes, we're friends again) drove down I-65 with all of the windows down and Follow You by Ben Rector blaring. Our hair was blowing in the wind and whipping our faces. Our hands were out the windows feeling the warm. We arrived at Oak Mountain State Park and rented a kayak and spent the afternoon not caring about anything but tan lines and Bojangles.
This week was happy.