Spreak in Zona: The End
Spending spring break in Arizona was off the charts amazing. I got to spend some time with my cousins which was so cool. I got to see where they live life and hang out on their turf for a little while.
We spent our days by the pool reading books and talking and listening to music. We talked about wedding plans for Sarah (Katie's older sister) and made twenty five pillows for spring fling and saw movies and ate food.
Katie, Abby, and I hiked Camelback Mountain on Thursday. By hiked I mean more like climbed. It was very much uphill most of the way. We were on our hands and knees climbing over huge rocks. Oh don't worry, I fell a couple times and had blood down my leg and arm and in my shoe. I really wanted to quit and turn around but I'm so glad that they made this short legged girl get to the top because, woah, was the view breathtaking.
The Tooker family is a rarity. I have known them since I was born because my parents and Mr and Mrs Tooker were in a dinner club in Indianapolis together before they had kids. I can honestly say I haven't laughed so hard in quite a while. There was always something going on and some wonderful food out on the counter. I had the best time being apart of the family for the week. I had a blast and would not have wanted to be anywhere else.
Katie is my best friend. I don't use that term lightly. I've known her since I was born. It is amazing how we ended up at the same college after years of living miles away from each other and only seeing one another every so often. Not only do we look very similar, she also gets me in a way most don't. We are pretty much the same person. I can look at her and she knows what I'm thinking. She truly is my soul sister. Mrs Tooker asked us this week if we ever fight and we couldn't think of time when we had gotten in a fight. After spending a week with her for 24/7 (literally... we slept in the same bed) I didn't need a break. She texted me this morning after only a few hours apart saying "I miss my other half" and the funny thing was I was going to text her just about the same thing the moment she texted me.
This week was what I needed. Cheers to #spreakinzona!