How To Choose Details to be Photographed on Your Wedding Day
The details that are photographed on your wedding day tell a big story of who you are and who you guys are as a couple. I always send an email the week of a wedding to remind my bride to have all the details ready for me when I arrive. This helps the beginning part of the day go a bit quicker. I send a list of things to have ready for me but I also want you to think of things that will set your wedding apart. Is there a letter that you are going to write to your husband that I can photograph? Or maybe you have worn the same perfume everyday since high school and it just smellllls like you. Are you wearing your great-grandmas ring? What about the confetti that your guests are going to throw at the end of the night? Let's take some pictures of that. Can you please please please please take your dress off that white plastic hanger and put it on a hanger that is maybe wood? What are the little things that will be scattered throughout your day that tell the story of you? Put all of those things together in a box or brown paper bag and I will grab it from you when I arrive and photograph it all right away.
Here’s some wedding day details for inspiration: