Madelyn & Sammy
Their love is deep and their story is unique. Madelyn and Sammy met in Kenya while Madelyn was at Nairobi Chapel. They fell in love and got engaged while living in the same country. Their love was stretched across countries and states as their relationship moved to long distance as Madelyn's time in Kenya drew to a close. There were bumps in the road to get Sammy to the States but they were both so diligent to each other and to the mighty God they serve. Sammy eventually was able to come to the States and everything was full wedding mode.
Madelyn and Sammy's wedding was a celebration of God, his Church and a beautiful love. They worshiped and laughed and danced with their friends and family. It was a deep honor to witness the moments throughout the day and see their love on full display. Oh and a Kenyan wedding reception (kinda, I hear it's quite a bit different than what we do in the States) is probably one the best things I've been able to witness. Sammy, you have moooovvvesss!