We Cried The First Day Of Our Honeymoon

And just like that we were on a plane to Punta Cana. The wedding came and it went in a span of time that felt like just a blink. Every second was the best second. The way Luke sobbed when he read his vows, the twenty minutes we got to sit alone together before the ceremony started and watch our people arrive, the way both my sisters cried during their speeches, the taste of the salmon with the pesto sauce and the pomme frites with the aoli. I can't help but smile when I think about when the father daughter dance started and everyone started waving their napkins to One Day More by Les Mis. It was the way Randall danced, and Luke took his shirt off, and Nana and Papa held hands with Joseph while dancing late into the night. It was seeing God's faithfulness once again when the sun started to shine right at 2PM (which was my big bold prayer). It was the way I felt like an absolute princess in my dress and the beautiful succulents in my bouquet. 

Most of all and best of all were the people that were there. On our day. To celebrate with us. You people, you humans that came to Fit Farms/The SerVass Estate on September 17, 2016, you're the ones who made Luke and I cry the first day of our honeymoon because we were overwhelmed by gratitude. We couldn't process the emotions in any other way than just simply crying. We were, and still are, beyond grateful for just your mere presence with us on that day. There is no way to express to you how absolutely thankful we are. You guys came from near and far. You set up chairs and busted a move until the sun was long gone. You cried with us while we read our vows and sang along as we danced our hearts out to "...bite that tattoo on your shoulder...". You're our friends and our family and we just simply want to say thank you to you for everything both noticed and unnoticed on that day. Know that deep down in the depths of our souls we are so grateful. 

Okay, deep breath. 

So the honeymoon. First of all let me say, I always have thought pictures from someone's honeymoon are awkward. It's usually a bunch of solo shots and it just feels awkward. Well anyways.... here's some of our honeymoon pictures, awkwardness and all. 

We spent most days on the beach. Luke and I went to The Excellence Resorts in Punta Cana. It was so wonderful and relaxing. We honestly didn't do much at all which was exactly what we wanted to be doing. We went horseback riding one day which was a bit sad because the horses were malnourished (you were right Tyler) and got the best massage ever. It was just an easy vacation and it was fun and we drank way too much Coke and Diet Coke. The food wasn't the best but that wasn't a huge deal. It was just as picture perfect as you would think. God bless honeymoons. Let's do this every year.