Homestretch Baby
London has become home. Every time we pull into the Gloucester Road tube station I breathe out a sigh of relief. I have regular places. I love this place and the people I have met here. I love the fast paced rush of people walking with a purpose. I love the fashion and put togetherness of these humans. I love the unique coffee shops and late nights on rally couches. I'm the luckiest girl in the whole world for what I've experienced so far.
With all of that being said, the end is in sight. We have three weeks left of classes and ten days of travel break. It's easy to think towards the future and being home in my comfy bed snuggling my fluffy puppy and hanging with my family. I would be lying if I said that I didn't want that BUT I am going to use these next couple weeks to do, grow, learn and see. Edinburgh, Greece, and Brighton are all on the agenda. Lo and I bought tickets to Iceland and can't wait! It has been my dream for years and I finally get to check it off of my bucket list.
Here's a hodgepodge of pictures mostly from my phone (carrying around my big camera is a hassle) from the last two weeks. Highlights include: Kendra, Jenny, and Christina being here, going to Bletchley Park where so much history happened and they filmed some of The Imitation Game, Easter brunch with my London family, Duck & Waffle, package from MaryRaine (like WUT doesn't she rule?!), lots of coffee shops (my happy place), and so many meals.