Twenty-one days makes a habit. I've been living in London for twenty-eight days as of today. Living here is my favorite habit so far.
I had a little midweek crisis where I felt like I wasn't doing life here right. What if I'm doing something wrong because I'm not doing something extravagant everyday? What I realized is that I'm here to do life. I'm here to live life in London, not act like I'm on vacation everyday.
Every week is my favorite. But really this week was my favorite. The sun shined. Let me repeat THE SUN SHINED. There is something so healing about getting your vitamin D directly from the source and not through a tiny pill vitamin.
This weekend we didn't stop. We went to Leeds Castle, Canterbury, Dover, Lacock, Bath and Stonehenge. If you ever come to England Dover should be at the top of your list. The white cliffs will take your breath away. Although the weather was less than wonderful we attacked each day with enthusiasm and embraced the typical English weather. I could talk in detail about each place but really you should just look at the pictures because they paint the picture better than any string of words could.
Mags turned 21 so obviously that calls for a celebration. All she wanted was Mexican food and Les Mis so that's exactly what we did. The soundtrack to that musical runs through my veins. When I was a child we would drive from Indiana to Florida for spring break (18 hours) and would listen to the Focus on the Family radio theater addition of Les Mis over and over. My dad has a slight obsession with the story (lolz to slight because its massive) so seeing it London was fulfilling my dreams and his. It didn't disappoint. Mags and Regan sobbed because of its breathtaking beauty.
Lolo and I made some English friends through Hillsong. They have been texting us on our flip phones and asking us to hang out. So yeah... we've kinda made it. Cheers!