Telluride, Colorado
I've grown up in the flat lands of the midwest. Some people may look down on this but to be completely honest I love it. I love that I can see forever and that we have fields full of corn. There is a sort of structure to the midwest. We have all four seasons and I'm usually not left guess what's going to happen next although Indiana weather can be pretty fickle. Getting from point A to point B is easy and efficient. I love structure and knowing whats coming.
Colorado is entirely different. I can see to the next mountain but not beyond. We have to take a longer road to go around the mountain. Being in a place like this forces me to get outside of the comfort of my structured life and really live. Each day was full of a big question of what would happen. Maybe our car would actually be a rear wheel drive vehicle and not four wheel drive and we almost slip off the side of the mountain on the way up to the house. Maybe, just maybe that would happen. Oh wait yes it totally did.
Our family spent a week in Ridgeway/Telluride, Colorado. My dad's first cousin and family have a house up at the top of a beautiful mountain in Ridgeway. Not only can you see just about every star, the view in the morning when the sun rises through the enormous windows will take your breath away.
My family has spend quite a few skiing trips in Telluride so we are familiar with the mountain. We are all skiers and love to ski the day away. I love skiing because although you are with people, you are actually very alone. You get time to think and observe and just be. The feeling of the wind on your face when you are flipping your hips from side to side is truly unlike anything else.
We spent time in the natural hot spring in Ouray and hiked around the house. I read two books and was constantly taking pictures.
On the way back to the airport we decided to take the long way and stop at the four corners. We had all been looking forward to this for a while (apparently Alli has wanted to go since the second she came out of my mother's womb and it is number one on her bucket list). Well of course if was closed. We got as close as we could without trespassing. Yes, there were a few tears shed but it turned out to be a good story.
Cheers to Colorado and forcing me outside of my comfort zone!