Family Session
What To Wear Guide



I know, I know there are so many options and you aren’t sure exactly what to wear. I have put together this guide to help you choose your outfits and feel amazing. Ultimately, I want you guys to feel like yourselves. The goal is for the whole family to feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera. There are some outfits that look great in real life but don’t photograph well. I want the focus of the images to be on you guys and your faces, and I don’t want your clothes to be distracting from that. I promise to bring music and make your shoot a fun experience. Here are my tips for choosing your outfits.


I have been shooting for 8+ years, and I have found that shooting in familiar locations help you feel more comfortable in front of the camera. What do you guys like to do together as a family? Do you have a spot that you go to a lot? A favorite ice cream shop? A lake house that you go to all the time? A park you go to every week? Maybe it is your house or your favorite walking path. Let’s go there! Do you guys love to hike? Then let’s hike! Or maybe you love to stroll around downtown. Let's do it. Try and talk through your favorite places to be and then let me know. I would be happy to chat with you about where we can go.

If you feel totally stuck, you can see my list of recommended locations in Indy here.


I want you to feel and look like yourself when you look back that these photos. Does your kiddo have a favorite hat or sweater or a pair of jeans? A lot of people will go shopping for new outfits. This is totally fine, but I suggest looking in your closet first. What do you have that just adore? What “sparks joy” (Marie Kondo) that you love to wear all the time? Start there. When you look back at these photos, I want them to feel and look like you.

Hetrick Family, Cool Creek Park, Emily Wehner Photography-53_websize_websize.jpg


I know it can be stressful thinking about what to wear. Bring Options.

I recommend that you bring three to four tops and two to three pairs of pants. A few dresses too if you have some. This way I can look at the outfits you bring and choose ones that will complement the location we are at and not distract away from you guys. Just an FYI that you will most likely be changing in your car. If this is something that you are not comfortable with, let me know and you can just wear one outfit. Text me photos and I will help you choose.

Make sure the outfits that you bring make sense. If we are going to be hiking, wear good hiking shoes. If it is going to be cold outside, pack layers. Most of the time heels don’t work unless we are walking around downtown.



You want to be able to move in your clothes. I want you to be able to run around and feel good while doing it. I also love when fabric catches the wind and flows well with the movement you are doing. It looks amazing in photos and adds another layer of emotion to the photos. Dresses on little ones are always adorable in photos.


I recommend choosing clothes that have neutral colors. Neutrals don’t mean just grays and browns, there are neutrals of every color (mustard yellow, forest green, navy blue, burnt orange, etc.). Try and stay away from fluorescent distracting colors. Red, pinks, and bright oranges can sometimes cause a weird hue on your skin tone, so I recommend staying away from those colors as well. Stay away from being too matchy. If everyone is wearing white, you guys will all start to blend together in the photos.

Hetrick Family, Cool Creek Park, Emily Wehner Photography-34_websize_websize.jpg


Patterns are okay if they are small and subtle. Big patterns will distract from your faces. Flannels are always a yes. If you do have something that has a big pattern, I would suggest throwing a jean jacket over it to tone it down.

Seitz Family, Family Photos in Noblesville Indiana, Emily Wehner Photography-146_websize_websize.jpg


I love props! I am not talking about cheesy chalkboard props. I love when people bring hats, sunglasses, blankets, scarves, and jewelry. Pets are always welcome! Campfires, picnic, your guys’ favorite pizza, your motorcycle, RV camper, the back of your truck, all the things! Let’s have some fun with this! Avoid watches because they will distract when I get close up shots. If your little one has a stuffed animal that they bring everywhere, bring that! I want to tell the story of your family and if that includes a favorite toy that is perfect.

Rife Family Photos in Broad Ripple Indiana by Emily Wehner Photography-109_websize_websize.jpg

Casie and Sean, family photos, Carmel Indiana, Emily Wehner Photography -5_websize_websize.jpg

Hair and Makeup

As far as hair and makeup go, I want you to feel natural and like yourself. Have I said that enough (lol omg stop already Em)? If you feel comfortable having your makeup done, then go for it! It looks beautiful in photos. If you’re looking for recommendations, let me know!

Ledbetter Family, Holliday Park Mini Session, Emily Wehner Photography-11_websize_websize.jpg

Large Groups

All the above applies to large family photos. Just make sure everyone sticks to neutrals.