The Boxcar Collective, Group Mentoring for Photographers, Wedding photographer education, photography mastermind, Emily Wehner Photography, Business Coaching for Photographers.png

 A group mentoring experience for photographers who are ready to finally take control of their finances, get serious about the backend OPERATIONS of their business, and build community with other talented photographers along the way.

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 Have you ever thought to yourself, 

This isn’t what I thought running a business would look like.”


You envisioned Fridays off, brunch with fellow creatives, maybe a midday movie every now and then while you edit weddings. You weren’t planning on the 12-hour, butt-in-the-chair days eating cereal for lunch while you crunched numbers with 37 tabs open all giving you different advice about whether to be an LLC or an SCorp. 

So if your butt is in that chair while you’re reading this and your hair is up in that messy bun and you’re stressing about the end of the year taxes, I’m here to tell you:

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You can have the Fridays off and the brunch and the movies during the workday. It’s just about managing your time and taking control. 


 If your business is running you, then it’s time to take back control.

When you bought that LLC, you were really in love with what you were creating. Maybe it was just a side-hustle, but it was yours. Your passion grew it into something bigger. You got busier and busier to the point where you left your full-time gig. You were so excited to finally be able to design the life you want, to be in control of your own schedule and time!

And then?

You realized everything that comes with controlling that destiny. Taxes. Spreadsheets. Workflows. Systems. Software. Marketing strategies. Social media. So.much.math.

And way too much alone time.

What started out as the ideal scenario turned into a lonely, overwhelming reality. 

You do not have to live this way. You can fall in love with your business again. And I can help you.


Hi, I'm Emily...

Emily Wehner, indy Photographer, Photography Education, Boxcar Collective 2.jpg

…and what you just read is actually my story. I had a side hustle, casually shooting 8 weddings a year, and two years later, I doubled that number. I had to go full-time. I had grandiose dreams of what entrepreneurship would be like and was heartbroken to find out everything I didn’t know. But rather than accept overwhelm as my fate, I took control of my business and built something I’m so proud of.

I spent three years researching best practices for running a small business. I studied pricing structures alongside different systems and processes. I researched taxes and all the different software programs available for photographers.

And it was HARD. I hated parts of it. But I started taking notes to simplify things. I got the hang of it and started to enjoy more than just taking photos. I was enjoying running a business. I doubled my income every year for three years in a row.

I liked it so much that I helped other photographers figure out the nitty gritty of their own business plans. I gave feedback on their websites, on their social media posts, and on their pricing. It felt so good to put this business knowledge to use.

So good that now I’m sharing it with you.



The Boxcar Collective, Group Mentoring for Photographers, Wedding photographer education, photography mastermind, Emily Wehner Photography, Business Coaching for Photographers.png

The intimate group mentoring experience that gives you access to brilliant brains and a blueprint to running a successful photography business.


“But wait, what?”

You heard me:

Boxcar Collective

I was more than a little obsessed with the book series, The Boxcar Children growing up. If you’re not familiar, it was about a family of 4 orphaned kids who lived in a boxcar. They had jobs and relied on each other to survive. Sounds dark. Was surprisingly uplifting. 

My sisters and cousins and I pretended we were the Boxcar children in our backyard. We would draw paintings and then sell them to my neighbors to “survive.” I sat down with my dad to come up with ways to make money and he offered to build me a lemonade stand. I wanted all the other kids to make money too, so I brought them into all my schemes.

I was the boss then, and I’m the boss now.

(What can I say? The entrepreneurial blood ran thick.) I joke, but I truly believe that business is only fun when you share it.

Like the books. My favorite part of the story was how tenacious the boxcar children were, and how they always worked together. They had no idea what they were doing, but every day, through every adventure, they found a way to make it work. And not just to survive, but to love their lives. That’s how I view this collective. We’re all in this together.


Am I AN orphaned child in the 1920’s living in a boxcar? No. Do I sometimes feel that dramatic about running my own business? Yes.

There isn’t really a blueprint on how to live this photographer life, so until now, you’ve been making it up as you go.


The Boxcar Collective is going to change that. 


I want to take the guesswork out of running your business. I want to give you the blueprint I created for myself so you can be successful faster. Without making all the mistakes that I did. I want you to feel confident in your choices, and bold in your ideas.

I want you to truly feel like the CEO of your business rather than the administrative assistant.

The way to do that is by putting specific systems and processes into place so you follow a formula for each client instead of hoping you’re doing the right thing. The Boxcar Collective will take just 8 weeks of your time and will save you years of headaches. It’s a small investment for financial understanding, peace of mind, and certainty in your direction.

Let’s not forget the best part:



Running a business means spending a ton of time alone. I needed people surrounding me when I started. Other photographers who were in the same spot as me, figuring stuff out, and working their butts off.

I want to give you those people. Your wolfpack, your biz besties, your Shutter Sisters (haha nevermind that’s terrible). You deserve (and need!) a community of support as you navigate being a small business owner. So this isn’t just a collective of my ideas—it’s a hive of information, perspectives, and personalities that you won’t find anywhere else.


a real opinion

“Emily’s mentorship has been so, so helpful in my photography journey. She's a rare combination of very talented, and really down-to-earth. No question was too simple or small, and she provided wonderfully practical guidelines for some confusing business scenarios. I definitely grew as a photographer under her teaching and would recommend her to anyone!”

- Rebecca 


So … what is it?

This is an 8-week, intimate group mentoring program, designed to fit perfectly into your slow season so you can focus on growing your business. Some people might call this a mastermind. I’m not doing that because that sounds kinda like what everyone else is doing. I’m using the word collective because we are all sharing this experience and contributing to it. 


Let’s break it down …


You get:

✶ Two one-on-one calls with me.

✶ Weekly group calls that are each focused on a different topic, everything from finance to marketing. When applicable, I’ll give you downloadable PDF’s that I use in my own business to help you in yours: 

  • A Year-End Report to look back at 2019 and help you plan for 2020

  • My personal workflow to help you keep yourself organized

  • The Wedding Data Tracking sheets to see your average profit per wedding

  • Cash Flow to monitor your spending

  • My entire list of favorite business tools and resources that I use every day to make my business run efficiently

✶ For at least 4 of the group calls, I’ll have guest experts to give you knowledge far beyond what I could teach:

  • a branding consultant

  • a copywriter

  • a designer

  • a small biz accountant

✶ We’ll also all be in a private Facebook group together to keep the conversation rolling along with any questions you have.

✶ There are only 12 spots available to make sure everyone gets a ton of time and attention. I want this to feel like real relationships, not just a group of people behind screens.


What will I learn?

There are 8 modules, one for each week:



We get to know each other, take a look at our spending for 2019, and set goals for 2020.


Know your flow

We discuss and plan custom workflows, taking you from inquiry to photo delivery. We’ll chat photo organization, client experience, and how to use my favorite client management system. 


Money and taxes

Learn how to use QuickBooks, how and what to save for taxes, how to pay yourself a salary.

Special guest Lyndie Miller


Being yourself

How to show up as yourself online and improve your copy.

Special guest Rachel Greiman



Learning to edit and design your website to attract your favorite clients.

Special guest Mattie Tiegreen 


Charging what you’re worth

We’ll talk different structures and how to raise your prices while using a cashflow sheet.



How to leverage social media, specifically Pinterest and SEO.

Special guest Hannah Murphy 


Connecting in the industry

We’ll prep ourselves to implement what we’ve learned and I’ll give strategies to combat anxiety and loneliness as a business owner.

But you also get intangibles like:

Clarity in business

I want you to feel confident in what you’re doing every day instead of like you’re playing a guessing game with strategy. I will help you see your end goal and discover the path to walk toward it.

Empowered decisions

No more nerves or “Should I?” before you pull the trigger on expenses or on big choices. You’re in charge around here and you should feel that way on the daily.

HONEST Encouragement

I’m never going to lie to you about what changes you need to make to move forward. I’m here to be both your critic and your cheerleader, your teacher and your sounding board.

The secrets of the trade

I’m lifting the veil on my own business so you can see how a profitable business works. You’ll see my finances, marketing strategy, workflows, what I’ve learned, and the changes I’m making for 2020.


a real opinion

“Emily and I have shot weddings together for several years and she never fails to impress me with her knowledge of business organization and finances. She's the friend I turn to if I have questions about how to run certain aspects of my business. Emily is incredibly organized and passionate about efficiency and success. She is a true professional, highly educated, and incredibly patient when leading others. If you ever have the opportunity to learn from her, run, don't walk!”



I can hear your questions … 

clickity click for more details


+ How is this any different from other courses?

This isn’t a guide or something I threw together to make some passive income. You get access to me throughout the entire 8 weeks. I’m in it with you, helping you implement what you’re learning and available as questions come up. This is as much about community building as it is about helping you become a better business owner. I’m genuinely invested in each and every person who signs up for this.

+ How do I know if this is the right investment for me if I’m struggling to book clients?

I kept this intentionally affordable so people who are just starting their business journey can manage the expense. I want this to cost you less than you charge for a single wedding. And I want to provide enough value that you feel like this course gives you 5x the return on investment.

+ Is this only for people starting out?

Nope! This can be for someone who has been in business for several years or for a newbie photographer. This is for people who might feel lost in the numbers of their business or that they don’t know where to start when it comes to marketing.

+ Is this just for wedding photographers?

No. This is for wedding, portrait, family, maternity, newborn, and commercial photographers. I want this community to be as helpful and relevant as possible. That means we’re all in the same trenches, facing the same difficulties and celebrating the same victories.

+ Could I just Google all this info?

Honestly? Maybe. But then you would miss out on the best part: the community that comes with it. I Googled and read and listened to podcasts and talked to professionals endlessly for years. That’s how I created my systems and processes, decided what software to invest in, and built my business. But I’m going to package it all up for you (experts included!) and hand it over so you know it inside and out in just 8 weeks. So, yes, you could find this on The Googler. But aren’t you already spending years of time on your computer, editing your life away? Let’s save you from extra hours at that desk (or, let’s be honest, couch.).


If knowledge is power, then ignorance is weakness.


I’ve seen this equation play out in so many of the photographers I’ve mentored:

Confusion + Fear = Insecurity

Numbers and strategy confuse us. Then we are afraid of what we don’t know. And then we are too insecure to market ourselves well to the couples we really want to be photographing. You deserve to feel confident in what you do. And not just in the photography part. It takes a smart cookie to run a business. And I think you’re a smarter cookie than you currently believe.

 Picture this 


It’s July 2020. You’re in the thick of wedding season. Last summer, you were up to your eyeballs in editing, only seeing the sun during your weddings on the weekend, and hadn’t logged any of your finances since February. You know, back when you had time.

But this year?

You clock out at 3 pm on the weekdays. Walking away from your laptop is no longer stressful because you know exactly where you are with each client, old and new. Your spending spreadsheet is up to date, you’ve got some cushion in your savings account, and a steady stream of leads thanks to the marketing plan you implemented while you did The Boxcar Collective this winter.

Do you feel like I’m selling you the impossible?

Because if this feels impossible to you, then you actually really need to do this. Running a small business isn’t about working crazy hours and being a slave to your work. It’s about working efficiently and making time for the things and people you love.


 This might be for you if

… the words “Excel spreadsheet” make you shudder.

… you don’t want to admit that you have no idea how to create a workflow for your business.

… you LOVE to photograph. You simply want to be booking more clients.

… you see the value in marketing, but you have no idea where to start.

… all you want is someone to bounce your ideas off of.

… you’re a lady. (Sorry dudes, No Boys Allowed in this boxcar.)


 Ok, ok. You convinced me and I wanna be in the Boxcar Collective.
Let’s chat about it!


I’m going to be real with you: this is the first time I’m doing something like this. I love teaching and I love mentoring, and I just saw such a need for this within the photographer community.

With this program, you’re getting:

✶ Two personal calls with me

Eight group coaching calls that include me and the best experts I’ve ever worked with (and Q + A time with them!)

✶ Four of the templates I use in my own business for data and financial tracking

✶ My personal list of business resources that I’ve grown to love over the past 5 years of running my business

✶ AND a community of women to learn and grow alongside

Enrollment is currently closed.

Sign Up for the email list to be the first to hear when the next launch is.


Like I said, this is perfect for slow season. I designed it to put you back on your feet so you can start your next wedding season with a gameplan, a workflow, and hella confidence. 

Point is: I want you in here. If you have questions or are wondering if it’s for you, then reach out:


a real opinion

 “Emily’s cash flow sheet has helped me feel confident making financial decisions and I’ve been so encouraged seeing my monthly revenue grow this year! Emily’s expertise has empowered me to make decisions out of abundance that will allow my company to keep scaling.”